'Paint it Black' editorial for Dazed & Confused Japan March 09 with Luke Worrall. I'm really into the grid pattern and the caged heels in this, and don't forget Luke.. what a cutie.
So lately, I haven't been able to find my camera, so no outfit posts until I find it. :P
Ash Stymest, Tyler Riggs..They're all too beautiful. Goshh. :)
I wouldn't mind having a leather jacket covered in studs.. I really wouldn't. This jacket reminds me of the custom made jacket Karen O wore in her music video, 'Zero'.
Reflection on some of the photos, I couldn't get my scanner to work. Anyways, Happy Father's Day! Here are some photos of me and him back in the day, and one recent photobooth picture. I gave him his gift this morning and today we will spend a nice afternoon watching Formula 1 racing on Speed channel and then go out to dinner with my grandma, who's in town for the next few weeks. I love you, dad!
Urban Outiftters, Alexander Wang, American Apparel, Betsey Johnson, Dr. Martens, Margiela/Topshop, google images. Collage made by me. This is basically.. summer. I think I will live in rompers and oversized mystic animal t shirts (when I find some). So I've been wanting the American Apparel composition big tank for a little while now, and at Third Street last weekend I saw a woman with a dalmation. I then realized why I wanted the tank, I wanted a dalmation. Of course, I won't get one.. so the composition tank will have to do for now. Heheh. School's out! Today was my last day of school and it was only two hours, finishing my last final, French. I'm very excited for summer, even though summer school begins in four days. My summer this year will be filled with summer school, art center classes, and horseback riding. The weather is warmer now, it finally feels like summer. Today was the official start of summer, for me at least. Stupid Amelia got out of school last week. I'm ready for an adventure, let's go somewhere!
Song: Lloyd, I'm ready to be heartbroken - Camera Obscura
I look absolutely gross in this picture, but ITS DEVENDRAAAAA. Today, Amelia and I went to Third Street to see an intimate performance of Bat for Lashes at a 'Neighborhood Social' for Lucky Brand Jeans. Lucky Brand also had someone screenprinting free totes for everyone and jean painting. We RSVPed online and they only allowed in about 100 people. I'm so glad we got in!! Bat for Lashes was really good, I always love the way she dresses and her makeup. She's so beautiful and she sounds good live. Before her performance, they passed out free drinks, mini hamburgers, onion rings, hot dogs, and grilled cheese sandwiches. It was very pleasant. After her performance, on the way out, we saw DEVENDRA BANHART. He was there to see Natasha Khan. We hugged him and took a picture, I was hyperventilating!! Gaaaaaaaaaaah. LOVELOVELOVE. Hehehheh. Anyways, I like third street, there's a lot of street performers.. they make me smile. Especially these two guys, one with an accordian and the other with a ukulele.
Moon and Moon. Sorry for the bad quality.\
I love her new music video for Daniel. It's pretty amazing. Watch in HD (: The people dressed in black are very.. Gareth Pugh-esque. I like it.
Thrifted sweater/jacket, Hot Topic jeans, AA t-shirt, vintage boots.
Playing around with photobooth, this sweater makes me want to dance. Sorry for the crappy picture quality. This sweater was such a great find at Jetrag, only a dollar!
One more week until summer officially begins!! Even though the week is filled with finals, SCHOOL WILL BE OVER SOON. Unfortunately summer school begins the week after school ends.. oh well. I'm very excited. Today, everyone signed each others' yearbooks. I can still smell the scent of sharpies. So much stuff has happened throughout the year and I'm really glad its finally over. I can leave all the drama behind and start a new year of school. (:
Thrifted sweater, Obesity & Speed dress. This weather is awfully strange, it's totally throwing me off. I don't know what to wear. I'm ready for summer.. However, I am obsessed with these sweaters, so comfortable and warm.
I just came across this DIY video on how to make your own retro styled romper from some old capris. This could also be possible with wide jeans. So next weekend I shall try this DIY romper and see how it comes out. Which reminds me, I still haven't posted my DIY Daniel Palillo melted hole t-shirt. heh.
Nylon magazine also has a pretty cool DIY on how to make your own romper from a slip.
Lately, I've been so into knits and these pieces by Sandra Backlund are just too amazing not to share. It's incredible how yarn can look so hard but still soft at the same time, I love all the shapes.
Here are some older pieces from her fall collection.
I've gotten into horseback riding again, I now have lessons every Monday and Friday. It feels so good and relaxing. It was windy today. I rode Duncan. I fell off and got a face full of dirt. A horse over at the stable next to us was freaking out and then Duncan got scared and jumped a little, I lost balance and boom. I fell slowly and knew I was going to, but what can I do? Then I was shaking on the ground covered in sand and dirt. When I got up, everything turned white and I couldn't hear. I was so scared and I couldn't walk. After sitting for a few minutes brushing off dirt, a few bruises and a swollen lip, I got back on Duncan and continued riding. I love the feel of going over a jump, and cantering. You should try it sometime. Totally relaxes me, even though afterwards I'm sweaty, I smell like horse, and slightly dusty, it's all good. (:
after seeing this, I want floral docs.. but I can't decide if I want navy blue or floral..helppp. The vintage floral ones are freeaking amazing, but I can't find them anywhere.. The lottie floral doc is cute too, its a pointed toe and less chunky that the1460.
An over-sized fur coat is already amazing (like the one Edie Sedgwick had in Factory Girl), but put a hood on it and it's coat porn. Especially this one on the cover of BAZAAR from November 1944.